Wednesday 26 September 2012

Aradhya Bachchan First Photo on Internet


tamil sms said...

WOW !!! Great News when year is about to get over !! Thanks for giving such grand news..... Do keep giving news of daily routine of celebrity kids... India has no derth of readers and such readers have ample time ..... It's you, Media to decide what to provide us,Is 'nt it. So pleazzz go ahead, and post how these Kidz get potty training and learn a b c d............ - P

hindi sms said...

A Celebration is a Celebration. It all depends how the Parents want to do it. Regarding the issue of Poor people, please ask the Govt to do something about that. The PM is throwing a dinner for the UPA. I did nto see any queries on that and what is the importance of that? Perhaps the same money can be used for a charity purpose. Good luck Bachchan Family

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